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Net Log: Sacramento Valley CERT Net

About:Sacramento Valley CERT Net
Date:Aug. 22, 2021
Net Control:WS6Z
Opening Announcements

5 Minutes Before

Attention all stations. The Sacramento Valley Multi-city CERT net will begin on the K6MVR repeater at 20:00 hours pacific time. Thank you in advance for the use of this frequency. This is NAME, CALLSIGN, net control for this evening and standing by for the net.


Good evening, this is the Sacramento Valley Multi-City Community Emergency Response Team net. I am NAME, CALL, net control for this evening. This net is for Sacramento Valley CERT teams and residents to discuss aspects of community supported emergency operations in the greater Sacramento area. It meets every Sunday night at 20:00 hours pacific time on the K6MVR repeater on a frequency of 147.000 MHz, with a minus offset and a CTCSS tone of 136.5 hertz.

Is there any emergency or priority traffic that needs to be handled before we begin the net?

  • [pause and listen for 10 seconds for any emergency traffic that needs to be handled]

Every week we will have a discussion topic or question for net participants to respond to, about CERT related activities and skills, emergency preparedness, fictitious situations to consider or about current events within the Sacramento Valley. These topics and simulations are designed to promote thought and discussion. As a reminder, CERT teams never self deploy and should always take actual actions and direction from their overseeing agency. After roll call, we will ask each station that checked in to respond to the question and hold a discussion based on it. After roll call and discussions, we will open the net to any stations with other announcements or traffic.

Today’s question is:

How can cert teams help with an animal shelter?

Now we will begin CERT team roll calls, grouped by participating City CERT teams. We will take any late or missing members after roll call finishes. After roll call, we will call for visiting stations.

Davis City CERT

We now ask Davis City CERT members to check into the net.

Title Callsign Name Checkedin Notes
WS6Z Wes Hardaker
KG6SJT Greg Kruckewitt
  • article in woodland paper in the beginning of the month about starting new emergency program rescuing animals disaster
  • run by ucdavis
  • many counties have a VERT group
W6KJX Lucile King
  • In Butte fire we used indoor garages for small animals
  • could help with traffic control and where to put their animals
  • fair grounds helping with horse trailers
KK6POX Heather Spaulding
  • attended a whole day training a while back
  • including care, and rescue both
  • horse operations included
  • oil spill care as well

Elk Grove / Galt

We now ask Elk Grove / Galt City CERT members to check into the net.

Title Callsign Name Checkedin Notes


We now ask Folsom CERT members to check into the net.

Title Callsign Name Checkedin Notes
AE6LM Lawrence Mondragon
K5FWD David Brock
AA6CS Christopher
  • sac city fire CERT has a trailer and devoted skills for it
  • runs a small animal shelter when needed
  • have an orderly way to account for animals within shelters
  • north valley animal disaster group exists
KK6DIM Keith
KR6RAO Kishore

Sacramento Metro Fire CERT

We now ask Sacramento Metro Fire CERT members to check into the net.

Title Callsign Name Checkedin Notes
  • people might bringing animals to the shelter that are not actually the owners
    • taking pictures would be helpful
  • believe there is animal training for cert members to participate in
K6ABJ Aaron
  • sac metro fire cert members were offered some training recently after an event
AD6DM Dennis Majado
K6CTC Cynthia
  • worked at the paradise fire
  • evacuated large animals to feed ones left on property
  • counted deceased
  • cert members were cleaning and feeding, and finding proper owner
  • attracting food and donations
  • three fema classes for animal training

West Sacramento

We now ask West Sacramento CERT members to check into the net.

Title Callsign Name Checkedin Notes
KM6NJW Christian Goodman


We now ask Woodland CERT members to check into the net.

Title Callsign Name Checkedin Notes
  • worked the san diego fire
    • Red Cross went around to residences that were evacuated with pointers to the animals, etc
    • providing food and water
  • Locally moved animals from clear lake to Vacaville that had agreed to take on livestock.

Late Members

We will do visitor checkins in a moment, but first are there any late members of Sacramento Valley CERT teams, or CERT members that aren’t on the roster that would like to check into tonight’s net?

Handle any late checkins


We will now accept visitor checkins to the Sacramento Valley Multi-City CERT net.  You do not need to be affiliated with a CERT team to check into our net. All visitors are welcome.  If you're a visiting station that would like to check in, please come now with your callsign, name and location.

Title Callsign Name Checkedin Notes
K6AKL Dennis


K6WSM Chris

Rancho Cordova



We will now move into the discussion portion of this net.  We will first run through the roster of CERT members that have checked in and ask each station to respond to today's topic.  Afterward we’ll open the discussion to all stations for additional comments.

  • [Run through the roster of check-ins and record answers above]

Additional Discussion

We will do general announcements in a minute. But first we'll continue our discussion period about tonight's topic. Are there any CERT members or guests that wish to make additional comments related to tonight's discussion topic? 

  • [Add any additional comments to the notes above]

General Announcements

Are there any net participants with announcements, CERT activities, event reports or who have other traffic for the net?

  • [Record general announcements below]

Closing Traffic
  • monday: yolo ares 8:00, yars at 8:30
  • el dorado ares net at 7:30 monday, 147.825- PL 82.5, which is closet to the caldor fire
  • folsom cert have been helping with the river and caldor fires

    - build up fire base camp



Hearing no more traffic or checkins, I will now close today’s Sacramento Valley Multi-city CERT net, at TIME.

The log notes for this net, including discussion comment summaries, will be available on after the net. If you wish to be on the announcement mailing list where weekly net reminders and net summary logs are sent, please contact net control after the net. Thank you for participating tonight and talk to you next week!

I would to thank the control operator and users of the K6MVR repeater for the use of this frequency. This is NAME, CALL “listening” or “signing-off”.

End time: 20:27