Net Log: Sacramento Valley CERT Net About: Sacramento Valley CERT Net Date: Aug. 3, 2020 Net Control: WS6Z Log URL: Opening Announcements ------------------------------- Imagine you're out of town on vacation or visiting friends (in the obvious distant future). You've taken only what you'd normally take on such a trip when suddenly a major catastrophe happens in your area. What would you be willing to do to help the local situation, if anything, given that you're out of your area and have no overseeing agency to give you directions and have just your skills. Do you hole up? Do you offer assistance to some organization? If you feel your answer must be situationally dependent, pick an example situation and state it before your answer. You have no rule book to follow for this one other than the good Samaritan law. Now we will begin CERT team roll calls, grouped by participating City CERT teams. We will take any late or missing members after roll call finishes. After roll call, we will call for visiting stations. Davis City CERT ------------------------------- We now ask Davis City CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: WS6Z Wes Hardaker - local skills - cooperation between cities - call for vol KG6SJT Greg Kruckewitt - contact list with potential nearby organizations - during flooding and earthquakes they often want sandbag fillers, etc - cert members know not to fill it to the top - generally orgs don't want spontaneous volunteers W6KJX Lucile King KK6POX Heather Spaulding - reach out to local organizations - government linked organizations - assistants - internet access, check social media -- often neighborhood requests Elk Grove / Galt ------------------------------- We now ask Elk Grove / Galt City CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: KC6SGT George Carrington - always have communication and medical equipment - work in the immediate area KN6AZC Doug - was in hawaii during the volcano eruption - reached out to local CERT - they had it handled Folsom ------------------------------- We now ask Folsom CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: AI6CS Charlie - help family, friends and neighbors - good Samaritan activities Sacramento Metro Fire CERT ------------------------------- We now ask Sacramento Metro Fire CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: KM6RIW Brad - make sure self and family are safe, focusing on that first - contact who at the community might be involved with disaster response - cert member out of the area - resource if needed K6ABJ Aaron - immediate family and neighbors first - avail to neighbors first (as I would at home if removed from the CERT team) - reluctant to engage with any formal teams West Sacramento ------------------------------- We now ask West Sacramento CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: Woodland ------------------------------- We now ask Woodland CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: WA6TQJ Gary - family and self first - follow normal triage practice - identify those that can be saved ## Late Members We will do visitor checkins in a moment, but first are there any late members of Sacramento Valley CERT teams, or CERT members that aren’t on the roster that would like to check into tonight’s net? *Handle any late checkins* Visitors ------------------------------- We will now accept visitor checkins to the Sacramento Valley Multi-City CERT net.  You do not need to be affiliated with a CERT team to check into our net. All visitors are welcome.  If you're a visiting station that would like to check in, please come now with your callsign, name and location. Checkins: KI6IJI Gary Closing Traffic ------------------------------- - Gary listed upcoming nets: ARES, YARS, Tuesday YARS meeting about solar flares affecting radio transmissions - Brad: k6mvr echolink doesn't work? - answer: link was shutdown because of inappropriate usage End time: 20:25