Net Log: Sacramento Valley CERT Net About: Sacramento Valley CERT Net Date: Nov. 20, 2022 Net Control: WS6Z Log URL: Opening Announcements ------------------------------- Participating in CERT activities at night time impacts the way that activities can be performed. Named Now we will begin CERT team roll calls, grouped by participating City CERT teams. We will take any late or missing members after roll call finishes. After roll call, we will call for visiting stations. Davis City CERT ------------------------------- We now ask Davis City CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: WS6Z Wes Hardaker - search and rescue: - flashlights obviously - get closer to gether when searching - multiple sources of lights - safety dangers with respect to other people seeing you (eg cars) KG6SJT Greg Kruckewitt - those with vision impaired already for low light have issues - temperature dropping requiring better clothing - W6KJX Lucile King - headlamps are important - helmets are important because you won't see branches etc Elk Grove / Galt ------------------------------- We now ask Elk Grove / Galt City CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: Folsom ------------------------------- We now ask Folsom CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: Sacramento Metro Fire CERT ------------------------------- We now ask Sacramento Metro Fire CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: KM6RIW Brad - search and resuce: - unreliable flashlights can be a problem - have a whistle with signals to indicate a bad flashlight KP4MD Carol - visibility is impacted greatly - getting people out of bed at 2-3 am and keeping them alert is a challenge (maybe coffee) - glow sticks have various lengths of time that also inversely relate to their brightness -- they're not great for personal visibility, but can help people see you. West Sacramento ------------------------------- We now ask West Sacramento CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: Woodland ------------------------------- We now ask Woodland CERT members to check into the net. Checkins: WA6TQJ Gary - hazard lights - ICS and triage need flood lights - ## Late Members We will do visitor checkins in a moment, but first are there any late members of Sacramento Valley CERT teams, or CERT members that aren’t on the roster that would like to check into tonight’s net? *Handle any late checkins* Visitors ------------------------------- We will now accept visitor checkins to the Sacramento Valley Multi-City CERT net.  You do not need to be affiliated with a CERT team to check into our net. All visitors are welcome.  If you're a visiting station that would like to check in, please come now with your callsign, name and location. Checkins: N6TCE Bob Tracy - depth perception diminishes rapidly - very easy to fall into holes, etc and get hurt - led headlamps work really well Closing Traffic ------------------------------- - sac metro fire participated in a public event today for a VIP floor hockey day - link issues between the W6AK and the K6JRB repeater End time: 20:22